
Showing posts from October, 2017

Developing Character

On today's class, I need to develop or "upgrade" the character from the existed character from any kind of cartoon or anime from the television out there. But, those selected character needs to be form of specific shapes like circle, rectangle and so on. I have decided to pick 3 types of shapes which is cicle, rectangle and triangle. It's FUSION TIME !! For the first one, I will start with a round shaped character. I picked Flippy from Happy Tree Friends as my main character. The dangerous and really brutal guy that you wish you will not see him even at once lol. To develop this character into something new, I have pick 2 references idea which is Monokuma from anime Danganronpa and Hanzo from game Overwatch. And alakadabra ! He look even more brutal than the original one. Yeap, I know right. It's cute haha jk. As you can see, for the second one I choose BMO from Adventure Time as a rectangle shaped character. I pick a Gameboy and Pikachu from Pokemon as an it...

3 Expression Drawing

Ok, my 3rd task is I need to take a picture any on students in my campus and request them to make 3 types of expression for me to draw it later. I have choose 3 expressions which is sad, angry, and happy. Meet my friend which is my ex-housemate last semester, Eric from Intel Management faculty. He is kind of friendly person and that makes me easier to handle this task. To be honest, I'm very bad at drawing "realistic" drawing. Every time I'm drawing a person face will ended up with a anime/cartoon version. Well, that's not bad anyway cuz with this I got a lot of people who request me to draw them in anime/cartoon version and they paid without my request haha. So for Eric, I'll give these artwork for him as a gift. I'm glad cuz he likes it so much until he quickly use my artwork as his profile picture on social media and he also want to request some more of my drawings. 😁 "......Ichigo, can you draw me with my girlfriend. I give you a photo...

3 Characters Drawing

The second task that I need to do is to draw 3 characters with a different age and personalities. The first one is a playful little girl with an age around 10 years old. Second one is a energetic young guy with an age around 20 years old. And the last one is a old man who is a mastered in silat martial arts. For this task, I decided to make it in colour version because it's one of my favourite to create a random characters with a various of colours and designs hehe. 😝