About me~ ๐Ÿ“

Ok, before I start to post my stuff I'll gonna introduce myself first. My name is Ichigo (no of course that's not my real name lol). I was born on 02/06/96 at Teluk Intan and stayed at Damansara, KL. Yeah, most of you when you heard Ichigo you will think of Ichigo Kurosaki from anime Bleach or strawberry (in Japanese). Well that's correct I took my nickname from him and become my 'official' nickname until now. Why ? Good question, there's a lot of great story behind my nickname. Below here is my origin story of my name and also my drawing talent. So sit back, relax, and enjoy my story cuz it's gonna be long and interesting, trust me haha...! (I guess I should make a book about myself lol) ๐Ÿ˜‹

๐Ÿ‘พStory Behind My Name : 
Ichigo Kurosaki from anime Bleach by Kubo Tite

About 10 years ago (2007), I started to become a otaku (die-hard anime fan) when I was around 10 years old. The 1st anime that makes me become addicted to anime is Bleach. I remembered that time the anime was shown on tv on late night and I have to stay up just want to watch it. On that time, the internet is still new especially social media, and people was hype using Friendster, Myspace, etc. So I decided to use my name as Ichigo (even my email and I still use it now fyi). Later then, all my friends in school call me Ichigo and my nickname popularity spread from primary school till secondary school. I didn't realised that Ichigo are my first nickname and being used by friends and family members until it's normal and comfortable to call me with that name. Moreover, in university that I'm study right now, most of students and lectures call me Ichigo till some of them don't know my real name haha. For me, "Ichigo" is my special nickname that can't be changed and I decided to keep using it, forever lol.

How bout "Ichi_chan" ? Of course there's also a story behind it lol. It's begin around 5 years ago (2012) when I was attend to my 1st anime event which is Anime Festival Asia at Kuala Lumpur. I went there alone and when I'm walking around the event hall, I heard a shout far from me "Ichi-chan !!!! Over here !! Over here !! Ichi-chan !!!!", I tried to find out who's shout it and it's my internet friends who called me (fyi they're also an anime fan and a cosplayer !). Some people said that "-chan" is a Japanese honorific title refers to a kid or a girl. Well that's definitely wrong ! The title "-chan" are also refers to a person who are really close to you (like couples/best friend/etc) to make it sound cute and lovely. At that moment, I realized to create my author-name which is "Ichi_chan" and it's significant to me cuz "-chan" is something people call when he is close to them, and I'm kind of friendly person so thats perfect for me. Besides, "-chan" also refer to something cute and most of my drawings are in chibi version and I can see the 'chemistry' with it. Owh, if u noticed I'm using "_" (underscore) symbol cuz well yeah I want to make it cool and unique hahahaha ! ๐Ÿ˜‚  

๐Ÿ‘พHistory of My Talent : Drawing
My Comic Fiesta 2015 Countdown Artwork (Day 92)

And now let's talk about one of my talent which is drawing. Drawing is my fav activity since I was 3, and my drawing becomes a talent when I start to school on age of 5 when my friend and teacher amazed with my drawing. Since then, they recognized me as a "master in drawing" (pfft master) and my popularity in drawing continues to primary school till secondary school. I started drawing anime when I was 8 when I saw one of my classmate have her drawing book with a Mega-man characters (she's definitely God-like in drawing anime, I bet right now her skills is 100x more superb than me, her name is Ong Yen Lee something I wish I can meet her again) and I'm impressed with her. I tried to follow her by making my own drawing book but with Yu-Gi-Oh! and Naruto characters and my drawings also got attracted from my friends.

Years later on age of 11, one of my friend created an own comic club called "Blazing Comic" (for fun) and he pick me to become one of his team. We got around 7 members and every recess time we gather on a place that most ppl hangout on that time and start to making a comic (using a exercise book with a blank paper) and we become instantly famous among the students lol. My 1st comic that I created is "Jejak Fighter" and my comic are one of the most popular one than my other members. Because of that, I managed to make more series which is "Jejak Fighter 2" and "Jejak Fighter X" (I don't know where I kept those books right now, it's gonna be really nostalgic). On that time, I become more popular until when each time the school have a drawing competition, most of them will think of me will join it and take the prizes on the stage haha !

When I was in secondary school on age of 13, I found that the school have a yearly school magazine and there have a talent content where student can show their talent in poetry, drawings, etc. So beside joining in any drawing competitions at school, I also decided to take a part by making a 1 page comic and published to the school magazine. I'm surprised when my comic become popular in the school until every student ask me to draw more on next year. Later, my comic pages on school magazines increased each year from 1 on first year (2009) till 6 pages on last year (2013) !! That time I was chosen to become a student head dept. in graphic so I have a advantages to dominate the school magazine with my comics *evil laugh* ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

One of my scans from my school magazine comic collections

After I have finished my school, I have no where to show my drawings and this is where my "legendary era" in making comic has ended and I don't want to make it happened so I decided to show my artworks through social media. I found that there have a tons of artists out there post their artwork on web and mostly they using digital drawing. I bought a small wacom drawing tablet (now Im using a big one lol) to start drawing in digital, it was hard at first. With a lot of practice (just kidding, I didn't practice cuz busy with other work lol) my drawing in digital improves by time to time. That time, I'm ready to continue my job as a comic artist...no...a webcomic artist.

From here....... my 1st try in digital comic (P/S: It's not published)
Till here....... Yeah, we can see a quite different there.
And thank God, I'm currently studying animation in degree so that's my perfect chances to improve more on my drawing skills and also learn something new in animation which is a great way to upgrade my content from my comic into my own animation. If that was successful, I'm definitely gonna be a great webcomic artist than others soon. So wish me luck ok hehe~ ๐Ÿ˜Š

Alright, I guess that's enough for today. I guess that more than enough to know about me, if you guys still want to know really really more about me just dm me and we'll gonna have a interview session haha jk ! By the way, I'm gonna give a big thank you for you guys who have a time to read my blog and visits my pages. Your supports will make me more 'spirit powaah' to produce more artworks. See yah on other post and chao ! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ˜Ž


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